

In general, children enter Little Flower’s Young Children’s Community at the age of two or the Primary program at the age of three years of age. To enter the Primary Program, children must be three years of age and toilet-trained. Siblings of current Little Flower students are given priority for acceptance.

Step One: Call or Email Us

Please call or email us at lfms@littleflowermontessori.org to learn about the school and answer any questions you might have about our school and educational philosophy. We can also schedule a tour for you to come and see the school. 

Step Two: Observation (subject to change because of Covid-19 circumstances)

You are invited to observe the classroom in which your child will be enrolling. Observations should be 20 minutes in length to get a full sense of the class environment.
Please schedule an observation after you have been on a tour.

  • There are no observations two days before or after a major holiday (Thanksgiving/Christmas/Spring Break).
  • Both parents are encouraged to come, however it is not mandatory.
  • Children may NOT attend the observations.
  • A clipboard with observation guidelines is given to take into the classroom. Parents are encouraged to write down any questions that may arise from the observation.

Step Three: Conference

A conference is scheduled after the observation is completed. The purpose of the conference is to answer any remaining questions and to be sure LFM is the right fit for the family.

  • Children may join their parents for the conference if childcare is not available.
  • Conferences normally last 30 minutes.
  • After the conference, if everyone is in agreement, the parents or guardians can then proceed with registration of their child.

Suggested Reading

It is understood when a student is accepted for enrollment at Little Flower Montessori School that the parents or guardians will make a sincere effort to support the student by informing themselves of the basic Montessori philosophy. This can be done by reading Dr. Montessori’s books.

Recommended Titles by Maria Montessori:

  • The Absorbent Mind
  • The Discovery of the Child
  • The Secret of Childhood
  • The Child in the Family
  • To Educate the Human Potential

Additionally, the following books are recommended to assist you in your role as parent:

  • Children: The Challenge by Rudolph Dreikurs
  • Positive Discipline by Jane Nelsen
  • Montessori Madness by Trevor Eissler
  • Parenting with Love and Logic by Foster Cline and Jim Fay
  • How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way by Tim Seldin

Enrollment and Tuition Policies

The Montessori method is based on the premise of a multi-year cycle. This cycle begins when a child enters the Primary class at three years of age and is completed when a child finishes his/her final year before entering the Elementary program. Depending on a child’s birthday and particular needs, this cycle, can last three or four years. During these years, each student is moving through the Montessori curriculum while simultaneously developing the social, physical and emotional skills, as well as the self-discipline that go hand-in-hand with the academics in a Montessori classroom. So much of what a Montessori child is exposed to (through observing the older students) is unattainable to them until the age of five or six – it is part of what motivates the younger child to challenge him or herself so that they will someday be able to do the work of the older child. In addition, the final year of the primary cycle is crucial. This is the period during which everything comes together for the child – as this is the culmination of two or three years of developing into kind, resourceful, self-directed students who then lead the class and set an example for the younger students.

To ensure the integrity of our Primary class and remain as true as possible to the Montessori philosophy, we accept for enrollment only those students who will ultimately be completing the Montessori Primary cycle. Please note, therefore, that recommendation forms for other schools will not be filled out prior to a child’s final primary year at Little Flower Montessori School.

As a courtesy to our parents, we offer the option of paying the tuition by the month or the semester. It is understood, however, when a student is accepted into our program that the parents or guardians are responsible for the tuition through the entire primary cycle. The annual Registration Fee and the one-time Commitment Fee are non-refundable.

Commitment Fees are collected upon a student’s acceptance into the Primary class and are applied to the child’s final month of tuition in their final year at Little Flower Montessori School. We require only one Commitment Fee per family, which will be rolled over from one child to the next.

Admission and Retention Policies

Parents interested in enrollment of their children should visit LFMS for a tour and interview.

Applicants for the Elementary class visit LFMS for part of the day without their parents as part of the application process.

Siblings of children already enrolled at LFMS and Montessori transfer students are given preference in enrollment.

Elementary applicants without previous Montessori experience may be considered depending on individual circumstances.

It is understood when a child is accepted for enrollment at LFMS that the parents or guardians will make a sincere effort to support the student and the school by informing themselves of the Montessori philosophy and by applying its principles as closely as possible at home. In the event that the home and school’s philosophies are not in agreement, and in order to avoid confusion for the child, the parents will be asked to seek another school whose philosophy and approach is more in keeping with their own.

Non-Discrimination Policy: Little Flower Montessori School has no religious affiliation and welcomes students of every race, sex, color and national or ethnic origin.

“My two kids just completed their first year at Little Flower Montessori. My husband and I cannot be happier with the way in which our children have thrived and developed during this initial year. The staff is amazing and always willing to go the extra mile for the kids. My children have had a great first year and have learned so much. I did much research on other private schools in the area and am very happy that we decided to send our kids to LFM. Truly an exceptional school”

- Submitted by a parent

If you think your child would thrive in a Montessori environment, give us a call at (954)565-8205 or email us at lfms@littleflowermontessori.org to learn more.

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