About Us

About Us

Our Mission is to Prepare Children for Life.

Founded in 1976, we offer a continuous program from 2 years of age through 6th Grade. Excellence in Montessori Education is at the core of everything we do - through our extraordinary AMI-trained staff, our dedication to authentic Montessori education and the holistic preparation of your child for life.

We celebrate each child’s individuality and help them discover how they can best contribute to our world and culture. All children are naturally curious and love to learn; we support this innate drive by providing environments that meet children’s developmental needs, guided by a staff of loving and well-prepared adults and building a community of families that actively support our mission.

Our Mission

Little Flower Montessori School is accredited by the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI). AMI is the only Montessori accrediting organization founded by Dr. Montessori to protect the integrity of her method. We are one of the few schools in the state of Florida with this accreditation and are dedicated to providing the best authentic Montessori education for your child. Our aim is to provide an intentionally prepared environment in which your child can joyfully embark upon his or her own journey of self-realization following the principles of Dr. Maria Montessori.

Educational Philosophy

In our school toddlers, and young children learn that their independence is valued. We encourage freedom of movement, choice within carefully crafted limits, and make sure they know their voices are heard. As children get older, they begin to learn about time management. We teach them practical life skills, such as cleaning and preparing food, that can be used in the classroom, home, and beyond. This emphasis on independence gives children a tremendous sense of empowerment and provides an excellent foundation of self-confidence for future academics. Children who learn self-sufficiency and independence at a young age become academically more persistent and show greater self-motivation and independence as they get older. 

“We sent our twins here and it was a terrific learning experience for both the parents and children. I cannot recommend it more!”

- Submitted by a parent

If you think your child would thrive in a Montessori environment, give us a call or email us at lfms@littleflowermontessori.org. We would love for you to visit our school and learn more.

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